What to Expect
Here at My Family ENT, Dr. Naberhaus is able to test patients of all ages! After a thorough case history is taken, testing begins. Depending on the patient and their age, Dr. Naberhaus completes specific testing based on best practices. The patient will be placed into a soundproof booth where testing is completed. For older children and adults, sound will be played through headphones to determine how the patient is hearing. For young children, sounds may be played through speakers in the booth to determine hearing sensitivity. Typically, the overall process of getting your hearing tested takes about 10 to 15 minutes.
Some testing that may be performed, and is not limited to:
- Tympanometry
- Otoacoustic Emissions
- Visual Reinforcement Audiometry
- Conditioned Play Audiometry
- Standard Audiometry
- Bone Conduction
- Speech Recognition
- Word Discrimination
- QuickSIN
- Tinnitus evaluations
- Cochlear Implant candidacy determination
- Bone anchored amplification candidacy determination