Post-Operative Tympanoplasty & Mastoidectomy Surgery Instructions
Following a tympanoplasty (an operation to correct a damaged middle ear and eardrum), leave the Velcro-strapped ear shield in place for the first day after surgery and then remove it as instructed; a cotton ball will be placed in the outer ear and you may change this cotton ball as needed. DO NOT REMOVE ANY PACKING OR PROBE THE EAR CANAL.
Following a mastoidectomy (an operation which hollows out the mastoid process—removes the bony partitions forming the mastoid cells), leave the Velcro-strapped ear shield in place for the first day after surgery and then remove it as instructed; a cotton ball will be placed in the outer ear and you may change this cotton ball as needed. DO NOT REMOVE ANY PACKING OR PROBE THE EAR CANAL. After the Velcro-strapped ear shield has been removed, your child may find it more comforting to use it for sleeping and/or school to protect from trauma.
IMPORTANT Information Regarding Ear Drops
Patients having ear surgery need to take the prescription for Ciprodex® to the pharmacy at least 5-7 days prior to surgery to ensure that any prior Insurance authorization is obtained in a timely manner. Failure to do so may result in your child nothaving the prescribed medication available to be administered after your child’s surgery.
General Instructions:
Wound Care
The incision behind the ear is held together by absorbable sutures which are reinforced by a clear plastic adhesive (e.g. DermaBond®); do NOT remove the clear plastic adhesive before two weeks after surgery. If the incision develops signs of infection, such as redness, drainage, and/or swelling, please call my office immediately.
Use the ear drops as prescribed; typically, this will be Ciprodex® 3-5 drops into the operated ear canal twice a day until instructed to stop.
- Do NOT get the ear or area near the incision wet. No swimming. Absolutely no diving for 3 to 4 months following surgery.
- No nose-blowing. Additionally, if your child needs to sneeze, have them do it with their mouth open. Unfortunately, either of these events could result in the graft to the eardrum to fail, resulting in a hole in the eardrum after surgery.
- Avoid strenuous activity – including school physical education.
- No airplane travel
Post Operative Appointment
The post-operative appointment will be scheduled for 6 weeks after the surgery.